
The water in Colatina is safe for consumption and domestic use


The quality of the water that supplies Colatina was certified by the National Health Foundation (FUNASA,) the Espiríto Santo Sanitation Company (CESAN) and by other specialized laboratories, and is in total agreement with ordinance 2914 of 2011 of the Health Ministry.

The TTANFLOC SG is used to treat the water of the Doce River, following the standards required by the legislation. The product extracted from the Acacia Decurrens allows the neutralization of impurities. Thus, flakes, flakes that decant to the bed bed of the reservoir are formed, allowing treating the water on the surface through a conventional filtration and disinfectant process.

The TANFLOC SG does not contain metals in its formula; it is classified as biodegradable and registered in the REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals).

The quality report issued by CESAN and by Limnos laboratory was also submitted to analyses of the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo (IFES,) and water treatment technicians of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG,) which also showed that the water is proper to be consumed by the population.

Aspects of the water
With a gradual reestablishment of the supply in Colatina, the water that arrived to the faucets presented altered sensory aspects, such as odor and yellow color. This happens when the treatment is reestablished after a long period of interruption, the dosage of sodium hypochlorite increases to avoid contamination in water pipes and containers that were stopped. The normalizing, the coloration commenced with a regular treatment dosage and soon the water will have the same aspect it had before.


Maintain your habits
The water that arrives at your home now has the same quality distributed before. Thus, we recommend you to return to your normal habits of consumption. Additional treatment, boiling or filtrations are examples of of practices that can vary according to your preferences and customs.