Emergency Actions
With the support of BHP and Vale, Samarco has mobilized, since the rupture of the Fundão dam, to assist affected communities, to reinstall the homeless population, to support the search for missing persons and to provide clarification to the authorities. Samarco recognizes its legal and moral obligation to mitigate, compensate and repair the impacts caused on Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo’s population.
Reallocation of those who lost their homes, distribution of drinking and mineral water, rescue of animals, psychosocial care and restoration of damaged accesses, among others, were the work fronts of the emergency action. The emergency actions were carried out until the date on which the Renova Foundation took over the management of repair programs in August 2016. After this period, consult the website http://www.fundacaorenova.org/en/.
Many government bodies, such as the National Department of Mineral Production (DNPM), Ibama, Iema and the governments of MG and ES followed these measures.
See a book below that reports everything that happened from the moment of the Fundão Dam break to Samarco’s reparations for the damage caused. Access here and learn more:
You can also download the book by clicking here.
After the Transaction and Conduct Adjustment Agreement (TTAC – Framework Agreement) was signed by Samarco, its stakeholders, the Federal Government and the governments of Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo, emergency actions will be maintained and expanded, following the socio-economic and socio-environmental recuperation plans being carried out by the Renova Foundation.
Data about the socio-environmental and socio-economic programs carried out by the Renova Foundation can be accessed at the foundation’s activity report or at the website www.fundacaorenova.org.
See the timeline of emergency actions taken by Samarco below.
October 2016
30 Delivery of the Square Manoel Lino Mol at avenue Beira Rio, in Barra Longa September 2016
22 Decree by the State Government enables the works of Dike S4 -
3 Families from Paracatu de Baixo choose the site Lucila as the place for reconstruction of the impacted community August 2016
2 Start of the activities of Foundation Renova. Samarco starts the transfer of management of the 41 programs July 2016
18 86 houses and 27 commercial establishments renovated in Barra Longa (MG) -
18 More than 7,000 financial aid cards delivered to communities and riverside communities -
4 Dredging is intensified at Risoleta Neves Hydroelectric Power Plant in Candonga (ES) June 2016
25 Families from Gesteira choose the site of Fazenda Gesteira as the place to build the houses and public facilities -
25 End of layoff -
23 Start of the period of adhesion to the PDV -
9 Federal Police completed the investigation on the accident and indicts eight people May 2016
17 800 hectares reforested along the Doce, Carmo and Gualaxo rivers -
7 233 families from Bento Rodrigues choose a site for reconstruction of the community April 2016
25 End of the first period of layoff and start of the second period -
9 Event of adoption of animals -
5 Delivery of Dike S3 in the remaining area of the dams March 2016
11 Opening of the pout pepper jam plant -
11 1,327 inhabitants of Mariana (MG) and Barra Longa (MG) participated in emergency drills -
2 Signature of the Framework Agreement (TTAC) between Samarco, Vale, BHP Billiton, and the federal government and state governments of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo February 2016
18 Completion of Barrier S2A in the remaining area of the dams -
17 Completion of Barrier S1A in the remaining area of the dams -
15 Delivery of the seventh access bridge to the communities January 2016
27 Report confirms that plume did not reach Abrolhos (BA) -
25 Start of layoff of Samarco employees -
22 255 job positions in recovery actions are filled by inhabitants of Mariana and region -
10 End of second period of paid leave of Samarco employees -
4 Start of the second period of paid leave of Samarco employees December 2015
29 End of the collective vacation period for employees -
25 99.7% of the families in temporary homes -
22 Mobilization of the dredging of the Candonga reservoir of the Risoleta Neves Hydroelectric Power Plant -
10 Start of reforestation of the banks of the Gualaxo and Doce river -
10 Start of delivery of financial aid cards to fishermen and riverside communities -
4 Signature of Agreement (TAC) with the Ministry of Labor of Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais -
1 Families start to be accommodated in temporary housing November 2015
30 Start of employees collective vacation period -
29 End of paid leave of employees -
24 Water supply in Colatina (ES) begins to be gradually reestablished -
22 Turbidity plume reaches the sea, after traveling 650 km -
17 Shutdown of water supply in Colatina (ES) -
16 Samarco and Public Prosecutor’s Office sign a preliminary Socio-Environmental Commitment Agreement (TCSA) -
16 Return to school of more than 600 students -
16 Water supply in Governador Valadares (MG) begins to normalize -
14 Start of accommodating dislodged people in homes rented by Samarco. Till then, they had been staying at inns. -
12 Start of distribution of water to impacted communities -
11 Intervention in the structures of the dams -
10 Interruption of water supply in Governador Valadares (MG) -
10 Employees start paid leave -
8 Tailings arrive in Governador Valadares -
5 Start of emergency actions -
5 Fundão dam failure, with release of 32.6 million cubic meters of tailings