A total of 99% of the families from Mariana and Barra Longa impacted by the dam accident are installed in rented or family homes. This means that 351 (908 people) of 355 family groups will spend Christmas in fully furnished and equipped houses rented by the company or in relatives homes.
Eight families were transferred from hotels to rented properties on December 23rd. Four families from Mariana (8 people) follow accommodated in hotels by choice. One of these families is waiting for the completion of the renovation in their house, conducted by Samarco and expected to be done by the first week of January.
The relocation of people have been done daily by Samarco, with active participation of the Municipal Secreariat of Social Assistance in Mariana. The order of the changes follows the priorities set by the residents during the meetings held twice a week between representatives of communities, Samarco, the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Mariana and other competent bodies.
All properties rented by the company were equipped with furniture, appliances, household items and layette, preferably acquired from suppliers in the region. Before the relocation, the company also supplied the houses with food, cleaning and personal hygiene products and drinking water.