
Check out the assistance care actions to small and large animals carried out by Samarco


Samarco is dedicated to bring comfort and well-being to small and large animals that were rescued after the Fundão dam collapse. Until now, more than 6,900 animals have received care and over 2,600 tons of feedstock have been distributed to animals in Barra Longa, Pedras, Barretos, Paracatu de Baixo, Paracatu de Cima, Camargos, Ponte do Gama, Campinas, Mariana, Bento Rodrigues and Águas Claras.

Several actions are being carried out by the company, among them the establishment of a veterinary hospital with chirurgical center, pharmacy and maternity. Apart from that, since February 2016, large animals – like horses, donkeys, cows, pigs – and others – like ducks, geese and chicken – are being accommodated at Bom Retiro Farm, rented by Samarco. The property has 240 hectares, houses 420 animals, which have at their disposal three dedicated veterinaries, pharmacy, pastures, pickets and stalls for shelter at night.

Watch the video below and learn more about the care these animals are receiving: