
Report 26


We have provided some items needed to help with the rescue of fish from the Doce River and their subsequent release into lakes in the region. Among these items are two trucks and six tanks with a capacity of one thousand liters each. The actions are being carried out as part of the Noah´s Ark –Arca de Noé – project.

Following the guidelines of the environmental agencies IBAMA and Iema, teams of specialized biologists, ichthyologists and fish farmers are working on the removal of rare and endemic species from the river, so they can be transferred to fish breeding tanks in the regions of Colatina, Baixo Guandu and Linhares, in the State of Espírito Santo, for later repopulation of the Doce River.

The actions performed by Samarco are in compliance with the requirements of the environmental entities, whose objective is to rescue keystone species for the conservation of the Doce River, especially endangered, endemic and naturally scarce species, such as the surubim-do-Doce (Steindachneridion doceanum) of the catfish family, andirá (Henochilus wheatlandii), curimba (Prochilodus lineatus)  and piaba-do-Doce (akin to the Leporinus obtusidens, of the headstander family).

The technical team hired by Samarco is also providing assistance to the Amateur Fishermen´s Association, boy scout groups, environmentalist organizations and the Rotary Club. These activities are being supported by the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo (IFES) which develops studies on the ichthyofauna and is providing a set of tanks for the rescue. The plan is to establish and preserve a gene bank of native species of the Doce River.