
Population will have new job opportunities


In the past 20 days, over 800 impacted people from Mariana and Barra Longa (MG) had their professional profile defined by the team in charge of Occupation, Employment and Income, one of our work fronts.

The objective of this effort is to promote the reintegration of these people to their previous functions, reestablishing their working conditions or actually opening up new fronts. Among the population of the sub-districts of Mariana, over 14 years of age, 640 social interviews were performed. In Barra Longa, 38 tradespeople were heard. In municipalities along the Doce River, 170 properties which had their sustainability conditions affected were mapped and visited. This activity involved the mobilization of 70 professionals, including Samarco employees, zootechnicians (specialists in animal husbandry), agricultural technicians and agronomy engineers, in addition to the supply of all necessary equipment.

All of the information collected during the interviews is fed into a database, according to seven criteria – people who totally lost their agribusiness, people who suffered a partial loss of their agribusiness, people living on the property where the agribusiness was affected, people who lost their store, people who lost their means to be service providers, people who lost their job, occupations, and professional development training. This work will continue throughout 2016, but many cases will already be resolved by the end of 2015.

In tandem with this work, 20 stores in Barra Longa were able to reopen after cleaning and renovation, and are ready for their owners to resume their activities.

Job prospects

In alignment with the actions of the Occupation, Employment and Income, the companies who provide services to Samarco opened up 90 job opportunities for the residents of Bento Rodrigues and Paracatu (MG). The selection process is under way, and in the next weeks the approved candidates will start their new jobs.

In addition, some 30 youths from the communities of Bento Rodrigues and Paracatu (MG) enrolled in the selection process of the Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais (IFMG) for technical courses, and Ensino Médio Integrado in the areas of Industrial Automation, Administration, Metallurgy and Building Design. In November, they attended a lecture on professional development delivered by professionals of IFMG, with the support of Samarco, the city administration of Mariana and the Grupo Coaching Condor Blanco.