
Samarco conducts plan for resumption of farming activities


Samarco has already visited over 170 rural property owners in Mariana, Barra Longa, Rio Doce and Santa Cruz do Escalvado, in Minas Gerais. In some areas, help has been given with fencing properties, repairing access roads and replacing material goods. The initiative is part of the Plan for Reestablishment of Agribusiness, focused on farmers and ranchers who were impacted by the accident, seeking the resumed self-sustainability of each producer.

After the emergency phase, the second phase involves teams formed by zootechnicians, agronomy engineers and farming technicians, who are working side by side with the producers. Based on the survey of the impacts suffered by each property, long term solutions will be put in practice as defined by mutual agreement.

The plan foresees the replacement of machinery, facilities, fences, livestock, crops and pastures. Soil analyses will be carried out to map the needs for amendments for planting and stewardship. Equipment such as tractors, backhoes and trucks will be used to restore the normality of the farming and ranching activities.