Program intended to provide support to territories within the Company´s area of influence
A program dedicated to the local supplier that aims to promote development in the territories where Samarco operates was presented, this week, in virtual meetings attended by trade entities and representatives of the legislative and executive branches of Mariana, Ouro Preto, Santa Bárbara, Catas Altas, Anchieta, Guarapari and Piúma, municipalities that are part of the company’s Area of Direct Influence (ADI) in Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo.
Called the Força Local program, it was designed based on Samarco’s desire to foster development in its ADI, coordinating the demands presented by the trade entities of these municipalities. It is based on five pillars: policies, training, business, monitoring and development and qualification.
Samarco’s Supply Manager, Ailana Vilela, explains that Samarco works with the territories in order to foster development in these municipalities. “The Força Local will be an opportunity to stimulate local development, to reach new suppliers in our area of direct influence, but, above all, it will be an initiative so that the local entrepreneur is increasingly better prepared to meet possible demands from Samarco and other companies in terms of services, materials, equipment and supplies. One of the goals of the Força Local is to think of the territory beyond mining, ”he said. She also emphasized that the company is expected to resume operations by the end of the year at 26% of its production capacity.
For the commercial director of the Mariana Commercial and Industrial Association (Aciam), Amarildo Pereira, the program contributes to the economic development of the territories and strengthens Samarco’s partnership with companies. “We actively participate in the development process of this program, which contributes to the expansion of the offer of services and diversification of the economy for the region. In addition to the restart of Samarco, which is coming soon, we will have in place a program of the size of the Força Local that will be of great importance in view of the current moment and another source of motivation for the local business community, ”he said.
In the view of the vice president of the Trade Chamber (CDL) of Guarapari, Darcy Júnior Lugão dos Santos, the resumption of Samarco´s operations fosters development and brings optimism to the region. “We are aware of the importance of the Company´s restart not only for the region but for the entire state. This program is in line with the proposal to restart on a different basis and will open doors for the strengthening of local companies and the development of the region ”, he said.
Activities such as workshops, lectures, seminars and business roundtables will be carried out as part of the program. The first workshop, on November 11 in MG and November 12 in ES, will be virtual and will address the topic of how to register and / or update the supplier registration data at Samarco. In addition to this theme, future workshops will address issues such as learning about the company’s purchasing process, economic / financial analysis, business papers in order, environmental licensing, occupational health and safety, among others.
Registration to participate in the first workshop can be done through the professional associations: Mariana Trade Association (Aciam), Ouro Preto Trade Association (Aciop), Santa Bárbara Trade Association (Acisb), Cattle Trade Association Altas (Aceca), Trade Chambers (CDLs) of Anchieta and Guarapari, Commercial Association of Piúma (Ascopi) and Development Agency of the Coast and Immigration Region (Adeturci). There will be no limit to the number of participants, requiring only advance registration.
In 2021, two business roundtables will be held, in partnership with professional associations, one virtual in the first semester, and one in person in the second semester. The business roundtables will make it possible to connect buyers and suppliers, and constitute excellent commercial opportunities. In addition, the program will also offer training for local labor.
Samarco will monitor the Força Local and hold regular meetings with the program’s partner entities. The Força Local also has initiatives such as the Day of the Local Supplier, a specific day in the month for each State, when the program team will be dedicated exclusively to talking to local traders. In addition, an exclusive electronic address dedicated to communication with the local supplier was created: programaforcalocal@samarco.com. Another action will be the creation of the electronic catalog of local suppliers that will make it possible for contractors to have easier access to suppliers.