Samarco Clarifies


Samarco, Vale and BHP Billiton sign preliminary agreement for the use of the Timbopeba pit for tailings disposal by Samarco

On Tuesday, December 20, Samarco, VALE and BHP Billiton signed a preliminary agreement for the use by Samarco of VALE´s Timbopeba pit for tailings disposal, should the Company resume operations. The agreement provides for the transfer of the pit to Samarco, who, in compensation, will supply VALE with run-of-mine (ROM) ore for a period yet to be defined. A definitive agreement will depend on a successful negotiation between the Parties, the due diligence and the necessary government approvals, which should take place in 2017.

The use of the Timbopeba pit is part of the medium and long range studies for Samarco to resume operations. At the moment, the Company is seeking to obtain the environmental licenses required for the disposal of tailings in the Alegria Sul pit, which would provide it with an operating horizon of two years, as well as the Corrective Operational License for the Germano complex as a whole.


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15/11/2016 icone See clarification about the result of the work carried out by the Federal Public Prosecution Service of Minas Gerais
04/10/2016 icone Clarification about the lawsuit brought by the Labor Public Prosecution Service related to the Voluntary Resignation Incentive Program (PDV)
21/09/2016 icone Clarification about frauds related to people receiving financial assistance cards in Colatina (ES)
22/08/2016 icone Clarification about the annulment of the ratification of the Framework Agreement (TTAC) and about the suspension of environmental licenses
10/08/2016 icone Technical reports prove that water supplied by the water treatment plants of Governador Valadares is potable
01/08/2016 icone  Positioning on the Conclusion of the Voluntary Dismissal Program (VDP)
13/07/2016 icone Check out Samarco’s clarification on the assistance provided to individuals of affected communities
07/07/2016 icone  Check out Samarco’s clarification on the notices issued by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Minas Gerais
07/07/2016 icone Check out Samarco’s positioning about the UN statements on the suspension of the Agreement’s approval